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Seneca Valley Baseball & Softball Association

Seneca Valley Baseball & Softball Association

Photo Day Details

SVBSA Families,

Photo Day is Saturday, April 22nd, rain or shine (we will be using pop up tents) at Veterans Field (past
the pool) in North Boundary Park.

The Photo Day Schedule is posted on our website. Please make every attempt to make it to your team’s
picture time – SVBSA team pictures are not the same without all those wonderful, smiling faces, even if
it is not the entire team. There will always be conflicts and we realize kids will be missing from
team photos but we want to get as many as we can.

Please be prompt! Plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled picture time – to make payment
and gather with your team. We have over 500 ball players to photograph, so we have to keep to
schedule. It typically takes less than 15 minutes to photograph a team. Pop up tents will be set up in the
field and station numbers will direct you where to go.

Please be sure your child is wearing their full uniform (jersey, pants, socks, cleats or sneakers, and hats
for baseball teams). Children should bring a glove and/or bat for your individual picture as well.

IMPORTANT INFO FOR GIRLS WEARING MAKE UP: The photographer has noticed that some girls have
been wearing VERY shiny makeup lately. Shine is not good for photos. It causes a giant white highlight
on the face and forehead. Unfortunately, they can no longer retouch the shine off because of how long it
takes in Photoshop. They strongly recommend that matte makeup or no makeup is used on photo day.

Ordering Options:
1. You can print out the Order Form, make your selection, and bring cash or a check on photo day.
Download the Photo Order Form (Front)
Download the Photo Order Form (Back)

2. If you would like to pay by credit card, you can order online ahead of time at

If you are available to help out on Photo Day for an hour or two, please let me
know – email me at [email protected]. We could really use some help organizing the kids,
especially in the morning and I can offer you a 50% discount on your child’s pictures in return for your
time helping us!

*Please note that PONY/COLT/Palomino teams are not scheduled as we do not typically photograph
these teams*

Thank you – see you at Vets Field in North Boundary Park on Saturday!

Jennifer O’Toole
Photo Day Coordinator
[email protected]

Photo Day Station Schedule

Station 1 Station 2 Station 3
8:00 AM Shetland 4 - Andrulonis Shetland 6 - Babusci Shetland 4 - Christian
8:15 AM Shetland 4 - Rosenburg Shetland 5 - Brown Shetland 5 - Potter
8:30 AM Shetland 5 - Angotti Shetland 5 - Templaski Shetland 5 - Fisher
8:45 AM Shetland 5 - Rafferty Shetland 5 - Summerville Shetland 6 - Meyer
9:00 AM 8U Softball - Meyer 6U Softball - Edwards 8U Softball - Koerper
9:15 AM Pinto 8 - Simon 6U Softball - Lee 8U Softball - Mehall
9:30 AM Pinto 7 - Allison
Shetland 4 - Thompson
9:45 AM Pinto 7 - Yakin Pinto 7 - McCaren Pinto 7 - Huffman
10:15 AM Shetland 6 - Klinger Shetland 6 - Bailey Shetland 6 - Bender
10:30 AM Shetland 6 - Stoll Pinto 7 - Schaffer Pinto 8 - Grupp
10:45 AM Pinto 8 - Buige 10U Fast Pitch Softball - Hahn 10U Fast Pitch Softball - Burns
11:00 AM 6U Softball - O'Toole 8U Softball - Sabatine 6U Softball - Leslie
11:15 AM 15U Fast Pitch Softball - DeCristoforo Pinto 8 - Hardesty Pinto 8 - LaBarbera
11:30 AM Mustang - Fabus Mustang - Thomas Mustang - Summerville
12:00 PM Mustang - Prag Mustang - Wheeler Mustang - Palascak
12:15 PM 12U Fast Pitch Softball - Wheeler Bronco - Burnsworth Bronco - Olkowski
12:30 PM Bronco - Homick Bronco - Kabana 15U Slow Pitch Softball - Wilson
12:45 PM Shetland 6 - Phaure 15U Fast Pitch Softball - Orlando 18U Slow Pitch Softball - O'Brien


Seneca Valley Baseball & Softball Association
PO Box 1599 
Cranberry Twp, Pennsylvania 16066

Email: [email protected]

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