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Seneca Valley Baseball & Softball Association

Seneca Valley Baseball & Softball Association


SVBSA 8U Softball League Rules


  1. A player is not permitted on the playing field without an association-provided uniform and a glove. 
  2. All players will bat and field the whole game. 
  3. All batters and runners must wear batting helmets with face masks. 
  4. All players will bat in consecutive order. 
  5. All catchers must wear full equipment. 
  6. Must have five (5) players to play a game.  If only five (5) players are available, then a team can play without a catcher, but the arc rule below will be used. Coaches can catch balls as a catcher but can't cover home plate when a ball is put in play.
  7. All players will be taught all positions (infield, outfield, catcher, and pitcher) throughout the season. They must change positions at least once per game or after two (2) consecutive innings at a position. 
  8. One (1) defensive coach will be allowed on the field to instruct defensive players, the defensive coach will also call outs. 
  9. The home team manager will supply the game ball and the league equipment for each game. The home team is responsible for setting up and cleaning up the field.   
  10. Both team managers will determine if the game should be played in case of rain.  If there is lightning in the area, play shall stop immediately. 
  11. All players in the field are required to wear a fielder’s mask, it is also recommended that they were a heart guard. 
  12. All pitchers must wear a fielder’s mask and a heart guard. 
  13. An 11-inch .44 core hard ball will be used. 


  1. The distance between the bases is 60 feet. 
  2. The distance between the pitcher's rubber and home plate is 35 feet. 
  3. An eight (8)-foot arc shall extend in front of home plate from baseline to baseline.  This area is foul territory. This will only be used if playing without a catcher.


  1. Games are played for four (4) innings or one and a half (1.5) hours, whichever comes first. 
  2. There are no balls or strikes called. 
  3. There are three (3) outs per inning. 
  4. This league has a five-run rule in effect for all innings.  In other words, if the batting team scores five (5) runs before the fielding team gets three (3) outs, the inning is over. 
  5. Each batter is allowed eight (8) pitches.  If the batter hasn’t hit the ball after eight (8) pitches, it is recorded as an out. 
  6. A coach will be used to pitch to the batter for the first three (3) innings from a distance between 25 to 35 feet. 
  7. A player or players will be allowed to pitch from a distance of 35 feet the entire season.  Live pitching from a player will only be allowed in the fourth inning.  Players can pitch using either slow or fast pitching styles.  The pitcher will pitch four (4) pitches to a batter.  If the ball is hit and put in play, then play the live ball.  If the ball is not hit in four (4) pitches, then a coach will be brought in to pitch the remaining four (4) pitches. 
  8. Any ball that is hit and lands within the eight (8) foot arc in front of home plate will be a foul ball. 
  9. No more than six (6) players are permitted to play the infield, including the catcher.
  10. All outfielders must stay in the outfield (aka the grass) until the ball is hit. Outfielders cannot pass (or go in front of) an infielder to make a play in the infield. 
  11. An overthrown ball to first base or third base by a fielder is a dead ball and the play stops.  
  12. If a ball is hit in the outfield, the runner will be encouraged to run one (1) additional base for a total of two (2) bases.
  13. When any player in the infield has control of the ball, play will stop. If a runner is more than halfway to the next base, the runner is awarded that base.  If the runner is less than halfway to a base, the runner returns to the last base touched. 
  14. Runners on base can lead off a base after the ball has crossed home plate.
  15. Players are not allowed to slide.
  16. Cheers must be kept positive and should be directed at your team and teammates, not the other team.


Seneca Valley Baseball & Softball Association
PO Box 1599 
Cranberry Twp, Pennsylvania 16066

Email: [email protected]

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